Carbon Emissions in Canada

Canada's greenhouse gas emissions per person are greater than most other countries:

Canadian vs Worldwide Emissions (ref: Canada's Emissions Trends 2012)

          Yearly GHG emissions per person in Canada:     20.3 tonnes of CO2e

  •           Yearly GHG emissions per person in the world:  4 tonnes of CO2e (average)
  • The main cause of high GHG emissions is Canada’s hydrocarbon consumption – 8300 kg of crude oil equivalent per person per year.  Canada is a big country, so transportation (often in cold weather when fuel efficiency drops) is a big part of the economy.

    Carbon emissions vary significantly between provinces, ranging from 10.4 tonnes/person in Quebec to 69.8 tonnes/person in Saskatchewan (ref. Canada's Emissions Trends 2012, Environment Canada).

    About 25% of Canada's GHGs come from trucks, trains, airplanes and cars.  Commerce, residential fuel consumption and industry (excluding oil and gas) account for 24%. Another 14% comes from non-energy sources. The rest come from the production of energy and power (reference Wikipedia, Feb.5, 2011).